Get to Know | Dani
What kind of art led you to start tattooing?
I started as a fan of illustrative/digital art with a mindset of I might can do that on people.finished up. Where are you taking them to eat? What does the itinerary look like?
Does your culture influence your art?
Yes 100%, my dad taught me how to draw when I was a kid and my mom was a paper mache artist in Cuba so I grew up in an artistic environment. All the good vibes and environment of the streets of my country always boosted my artistic process.
Your best friend came over for a tattoo and you just finished up. Where are you taking them to eat? What does the itinerary look like?
My best friends always brought pizza to the tattoo session, but if I have to chose it will be Texas Roadhouse
Which of your tattoos is your favorite and why?
My favorite tattoo that I’ve done so far is the lady bug with the windmill and it’s my favorite because I had full creative decisions on it,it was my first try with color realism ever and I decided to add some “inknorant” design on it to express my love for that style. It was a challenge for me and I big step.
Where do you see your career going?
I will say I see myself being recognized by my art, competing head to head with the biggest artists in the industry on tattoo conventions, that’s why I’m trying to push myself forward everyday
Image Credits
Photographer- Taylor L. Schoblocher
Article by Gold Dust